For those who may not know, I'm stopping at Howard's place for six days, then we're driving from there to San Diego for the Con. My flight is leaving at 9:15 AM tomorrow morning; I'll be awake all night, in the hope that I'll sleep better on the plane. Unconscious is the best way to fly.

After a layover in Detroit, I'll be landing in Phoenix around 1:15 PM local time, then spend about three hours poking around the area until Howard gets off work and picks me up. Hopefully I won't get lost in the meantime.

After that, the fun begins.

Y'all can expect plenty of pics after the trip, as usual, both on my profile page and in my dA gallery. Going to be a long vacation for me, but it'll definitely be worth it. Only a few set plans at present; mostly we'll play it by ear and see what comes up.