Heaven's Gate comes to mind. The movie was so dull that I left halfway through. I just could not get into it at all.
Waterworld is another. I stayed to the end but again, dull and lacking in action.
Masters Of The Universe... what a letdown that was. I'd been looking forward to it coming out on DVD for months, and what did I get? Something that was
MOTU only in name. Bad acting, bad script, and no resemblance to the cartoon at all. Bleh.
I hate to mention any of the
Star Trek movies in a thread like this but a number of them really weren't all that great.
Final Frontier and
Insurrection in particular left me flat. The latter I don't remember well, as it failed to make much of an impression, while the former, the book was a lot better.
And finally, I've never seen
Twilight but everything I've ever read has convinced me that if I did see it I'd likely suffer brain damage. Vampires do not "sparkle". Anybody with any respect for the true vampire genre knows what vampires are all about; bloodthirsty, evil, undead creatures wilth great cunning and malicious intent, interested only in propagating their own kind and satiating their unending hunger. They are
not shiny, pretty people who happen to have an odd dietary preference. Stars, Dracula and Von Strahd would impale themselves rather than be asociated with this mindless emo retardery.
Oh, and for the record, cereal icon Count Chocula could kick Edward Cullen's @$$ anyday.