I just watched this episode for the first time today, and although this won't be one of my favorites, I can see why everyone is so enthusiastic about it!
I especially like the presentation style for the dares, with


pulling sillier expressions each time! And there was a little pea who needs a magnifying glass! It was nice to see some obscurer friends, but have we seen the robot before? I don't recognize him. We see a more mischievous side to Mac here, which I may appease those who say he is too well behaved/precocious. In fact, Madame Foster call him the red menace at one point! Mr H. certainly won't approve of the whole event, but then she is the read head authority figure of the house.
I didn't really like the Sloppy Joe bit tho- what is he meant to be? This show seldom uses gross-out humor.
I'll list some of the dares they each had to do (bear with me, I'm looking at the screenshots to remind me)-
Mac: -drink something rotten from the fridge, eat/drink everything at Ed's tea party, sit on a doll, apologize to the doll, fetch dentures, tell Frankie he loves her, yell "boogers" on the loadphone, put Don Lickles' foot into his mouth, lick the floor clean, hug and lick Sloppy Joe, impersonate Bloo [get a mohawk was suggested]
Bloo: -Eat the old cheese, pull off a shoe, say sorry to the doll, draw a mustache onto his face, roll in mud, burn paddleballs, kiss and marry Sloppy Joe, impersonate Mac
I didn't quite catch what Bloo said at the end- did he say he put "Mac loves Frankie on the internet, and all the friends know about it already?