Thread: Earthquake!
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Old 04-04-2010, 05:19 PM   #1
Desert Rat
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Default Earthquake!

At 340 this afternoon, I was seated with my family eating a good Easter dinner, when I felt moving. I thought I was having dizzy spells, when I saw the livinroom chandlier swinging, and saw the table moving. I looked at my cousin, and she said "you feel it too?" Pretty soon it became a domino effect with the family - one by one they stopped eating. After about 30 seconds it was over. We saw other people out in the street talking. I turned on CNN and found out that in Baja -they had a 7.2 earthquake that was felt as fa as here, (Arizona) and Nevada (not to mention San Diego and LA). I have not felt tremors like that since Northridge in '94 when I lived in San Diego.
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