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Old 04-02-2010, 07:53 PM   #438
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The Sims 3

You know, for a game that's supposed to simulate real life...

The family I'm playing consists of eight Sims of various ages and occupations. One of them, a woman named Reese, is an investigative reporter. Among the things she can do in that career is root around in other Sims' garbage cans, so I sent her out to do that. Messy business but whatever. In one garbage can, she found a meteor. Big deal, so what? Well, the meteor in question happened to be worth over $5,000.00. Okay, I can see the owner of the garbage can tossing the meteor in the trash; after all, he might not know what it's worth. However, the fact that the meteor is roughly 10 times the size of the garbage can, I'm having some trouble reconciling that with what I know about the laws of physics.

The game itself is major-league fun, thanks in part to a couple of well-made hacks I downloaded, and aside from an occasional random crash at startup it plays very well. I can't wait to get it running on a better system.

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