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Old 02-07-2010, 10:15 PM   #431
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Batman Arkham Asylum

The Joker (voiced by Mark Hamill) takes over the Arkham Asylum, and Batman (Kevin Conroy) must navigate the asylum to determine the Joker's ultimate plan. Most of the time you're either taking down armed thugs stealthy or engaging hand to hand combat with unarmed goons. As you make progress, you'll earn gadgets and upgrades that will open doors and passages or help take down enemies.

In my opinion, the best parts of the game are the Joker's dialogue and the stealthy portions of the game. It's nice to hear Tom Kane play out his roles as the Warden and Commissioner Gordon. Every time I hear the Warden speak, I immediately think of Mr. Herriman, for they have similar voices.
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