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Old 01-28-2010, 10:05 PM   #1942
Lady of Brightwood
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Originally Posted by Lynnie View Post
The Notebook

I've heard so many great reviews about this movie, and haven't gotten a chance to see it until tonight. I really enjoyed it, it was so sweet. Ah, young love. I always love stories about young love. And then when they're old, he reads her the notebook she wrote about their whole love affair to keep what feelings she has for him alive, even in here severe dementia. And although it had a sad ending, it was a complete and satisfying ending. I was left feeling happy.
And I watched it again tonight! I think this is becoming one of my favorite movies, even though it's been over a year now since I've seen it. Such a sweet story.

The one I saw tonight was on TV and edited for time, so I don't remember if they clarified on what exactly happened in the end. I'll put it in spoilers in case anyone has yet to see it and wants to-
Spoiler Below
I know someone has died, and I'm thinking it was her. But did he die too? Them dying together in their sleep is sickingly sweet but kind of cheesy.
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