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Old 12-30-2009, 03:35 AM   #29
Another Castle
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Rob Renzetti is one of my favorite Fosters writers (his episodes are usually fresh, detailed, and rarely feel like any minutes go to waste), and he has delivered again with this episode. The ending wasn't perfect (I was happy for Ed in his new home), but perhaps it is more about the journey than the destination.

There was plenty going on in this episode, from Bloo holding auditions for a new Ed, the Tom and Jerry-style battle with , and the adventures of Bloppy Pants! He was with an Italian family, collage students, the stock market, a bullring, working in a diner (so many orders!) and with a trucker (his face was priceless!)

The biggest surprise for me was the Morressy reference- I know this show has had many pop-culture joke that children would ever get- but Morressy? He is one of the UK's most popular and influential musicians alive (famous for his songs with very dark subject matter), but I thought he was unknown in the States- I wonder what kid imagined him?

I saw a thread for this episode on Toonzone, and one poster suggests the Cat's blue and green eyes, and pink bow, are meant to represent the PPGs- do you agree?
What do you mean our Princess is in......

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