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Old 12-27-2009, 02:21 PM   #42
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I have too many favorite pieces of videogame music. Let's see...

Monster Hunter Freedom 2/Unite - White Fatalis
I love Monster Hunter. All of the songs in Monster Hunter are good, but this one takes the cake.

Team Fortress 2 - Right Behind You
Sinister to the extreme, and from one of my favorite games. I like.

Mario and Luigi : Bowser's Inside Story - Final Boss
Partners in Time had a mediocre final boss tune, so it's good they up for that mistake with this one.

Half Life 2 : Episode 2 - Vortal Combat (VLVX_song22)
This one perfectly compliments the situation it plays in. KILL DEM ANTLIONS

Jazz Jackrabbit 2 - Boss Battle Music 1
JJ2 was one of the very first videogames I ever played. It's also among my favorites still. This boss music is one such reason why.

Cave Story - Scorching Back
I've always liked this one. It really provides a feeling of urgency where it plays, and it's catchy too.

Jazz Jackrabbit 3D - Castle City
Though the game was ultimately scrapped and cancelled, some of the music from it was amazing. This particular gem shines out.

Neotokyo - Tin Soldiers
Hello somewhat obscure Source mod soundtrack. This song doesn't even play in the game, mostly because the players would be unable to concentrate on their shooting with these 9 minutes of awesome playing in the background.

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon : Explorers of time/darkness/sky - Dialga Battle
Not much to say about this one.

Left 4 Dead 2 - Re: Your Brains
This sometimes plays on jukeboxes scattered about the game. It's chorus summons a horde, too, making it even more ironic (And hilarious). It's also written by the same guy who wrote Still Alive.

Kirby 64 - Miracle Matter
FFFFFFFFFF- I still hate this guy. By far one of the best pieces of music in a Kirby game though.

...That isn't even half of my list. Good lord.
as i seep into the blackest void of all
i'm nothing / i am no one
as i sleep i hear them creeping down the hall
they're nothing / they're all gone

SUPER COOL FUN FACT: Might make a Fanfiction when I know enough about the series. Also, chances are that you're reading this.
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