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Old 12-02-2009, 04:51 PM   #39
Agent: Deep Bloo

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Here are some great tracks from some games you may or may not know...

Game: God Hand

Track: The Gang of Venice

A great track from Capcom's severely underrated PS 2 beat em up. It's a nice up tempo guitar/accordion number that is surprisingly fun to bust heads to.

Game: Wild Arms

Track: Into the Wilderness

The opening track to the first game in the long series of Old west inspired RPG's, stands the test of time as of one the most memorable and moving tracks in game history. It's the kind of theme that just makes to want to don a cowboy and ride off into the sunset.

Game: Uncharted Waters: New Horizons

Track: Caprice for Lute

Ahhh, nothing captures the feeling of slowly drifting away to new lands like this Yoko Kanno created track from the criminally underrated 16'th century sailing and exploration sim series "Uncharted Waters".

Game: Ace Combat 4

Track: Megalith - Agnus Dei

An epic theme that serves as theme for the game's final level, a pure epic masterpiece in every way shape and form.

Game: The Neverhood.

Track: Klayman's Theme

A fun little dixieland inspired number that serves as the main theme for this awesome claymation based graphic adventure. (Whose main character is now serving as my avatar pic, because I can't seem to get this game out of my mind despite not having played in years.)
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Last edited by taranchula; 12-02-2009 at 04:52 PM.
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