I've finally had the chance to open this and I seem to look at it everyday-such wonderful detail, and I love how the Fosters characters are done in a different style every time. So many minor things, like Ms. Bellum's face being obscured, Coco's hair/leaves (which ever) being windswept, and the worried look of the Major. (By the way, what's Mac meant to be looking at? Bloo's jump or is he crushing on Frankie again?)
I've had a look at Craig gallery, and there is a very similar picture with just the Fosters, although there are subtle differences (and Jackie Khones is in it!). There are also two brilliant Fosters Comics, although I expect they have been mentioned else ware. I'll look now!
What do you mean our Princess is in......
Alpha November Oscar Tango Hotel Echo Romeo
Charlie Alpha Sierra Tango Lima Echo