(Continued from above)

In the screening room, where five minute clips of Foster's, PPG, and Dexter's were shown, and interesting tidbits about the scene or the show would pop up on the screen while you watched. The clip of Foster's was from... (aw, come on, you guys recognize this scene, don't you?) "Busted". I tried to get a pic of the look on Frankie's face when Mr. H sticks his hand into the hot water, but it looks like I was a millisecond too late. =p

A shot of the clip from PPG in the screening room

Frankie on one of the many banners hanging from the ceiling

Wally rescuing Kookie from The Common Cold (I loved KND too. =( I miss it)

Wilt on one of the banners hanging from the ceiling

Uh oh, Deedee has stolen Dexter's remote again!

Blooregard on a banner

Wally since my sister just loves him. Ok, so do I.

Dear sweet little Mac on a banner

Mandy, Dexter and Juniper Lee
(To be continued...)