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Old 10-31-2009, 12:51 AM   #8
Lady of Brightwood
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(Continued from above due to the 10 images per post rule)

Lauren!! =D She had a video console all her own. It was more like a slide show as there was no sound or motion other than the pictures changing. She just explained what it's like writing for Foster's. =)

Another shot of Lauren's video console, where there's a shot of her talking to Craig! =)

Do these little guys look familiar? They're the little figures used for the Red, White and Bloo promos a few years ago. I wonder if they're really the very same ones.

Madame F standing next to a station where we could change slides around Billy (from Billy and Mandy) to make him appear to be doing different things.

Candi Milo! This was actually at a station showing the steps of crating a cartoon, and I recognized her right away even though it didn't give her name right away. We later found another video console where she was featured, talking about voice acting. =)

The same station showing the steps of making a cartoon showed a few clips of Lauren again, too.

The moon was with us. I'm not sure why... Eh, it was either a permanent fixture in the exhibit hall or a part of an earlier exhibit and left in the hall for some reason or other. It was cool to see, though.

Blooregard making a mess, and somehow being cute while doing so. Because, well, he's so good at that.

Coco's relaxing with Kookie, Nigel and Jonny (from EE&E) ready to screen some cartoon clips with us.

The other side of the screening room where Frankie makes sure we all behave and Bloo mischievously peeks in through the window.

(To be continued...)
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