I had some maintenance done on my car today, which gives me somewhat more ease in breathing. The biggest problem with my car has yet to be tended to, and I have no idea how much it will cost, but the $200 I spent today on it will help. I feel a little more comfortable driving it right now.
And I found a Wheat Penny from 1917 today!! I'm always thrilled to find a Wheat Penny from pre-1940, especially the 20s and teens!!

Just think, in 1917, the First World War was still going on. Ladies still wore corsets. There was no radio yet. "Areoplanes" were only used for military and other official purposes. The Titanic sank only five years earlier. And it would be a whole 12 more years before the Great Depression would even start. So my new penny was minted, handled, and spent on things way back then. And it was touched by many people in my great-grandmother's time. Like these people!
(Pic is actually dated in 1917)
I just love that thought.