There's always the pressure to live up to the fans' expectations, in every show ever produced for more than one season. The Foster's crew are good at pleasing the fans as well as delightfully surprising them. Granted, if/when they come up with any specials, they won't have all the same people working on it, and over time, even the personalities of those who have worked on it for years can change a bit, so their work on it is different than it was when the show was still airing. It's just a part of human life. So it likely won't have the same feel as the episodes we're familiar with now. But that doesn't mean it won't be good.
The chance of a future special or two is still uncertain, and likely a few years away. But I'd love to see what they come up with if they decide to do such a thing, no matter what the result. I'm just happy Craig is open to the possibility.