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Old 10-22-2009, 08:07 PM   #38
Agent: Deep Bloo

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Originally Posted by Another Castle View Post
I've just watched this one- and I'm a little confused.

I didn't rally enjoy it that much, to be honest. It was okay-ish. Way too Bloo-centric, which also puts me off some other episodes. It bored me a little. It didn't feel like Fosters. I've properly missed out on all the in-jokes/haven't realised what it was meant to parody.

I didn't quite understand the ending- Bloo made a mess at the party and made everyone ill- he gave Mac his birthday present (two IOUs), but Mac uses them to make Bloo fix the party? Have I missed anything?

Also, do we consider there to be no aging Fosters universe? Is Mac nine, or still eight?
This episode and it's predecessor (Season 5's Bloo Superdude/Potato of Power) are gag driven affairs, where the story plays second fiddle to the heaping amounts of pop culture references crammed into the 22 minuet running time. So it's understandable how something can like that can be a little off putting to some viewers. Especially when one doesn't get the references, I mean they did a reference to a semi obscure 70's sci-fi movie* that I only and maybe a select few on this board have ever heard let alone seen.

The ending fits with in Mac's character, he's showing his selfless side by essentially sharing his present with the laid up friends in the household, while at the same time showing his firm side by having Bloo taking care of said sick friends, thus essentially punishing Bloo for causing the mess in first place. (And after all Bloo did owe Mac something, it didn't have to be anything tangible.)

As for the aging question, the Foster's universe was in a state of "Prepetual Now" where no one really aged significantlly throughout the course of the show, so it's safe to assume had the show continued on then Mac would most likely still be 8 in any future episodes.

(*The scene with Mac appearing as a large stone head, is a reference to the movie Zardoz, look it up if you want to see Sean Connery as you've never seen him before.)
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