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Old 10-22-2009, 06:15 PM   #668
Baja Blast my Beloved
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Wow, I didn't think it would be possible, now that the show's over and all that, but somehow it did. An episode idea! It's a Christmas miracle! Anyways...

Don't Let the Fright Bugs Bite (Thunder noises for sound)

There's a thunderstorm in the middle of the night. Eduardo hates thunderstorms so his nightlight's on. All of a sudden, the power goes out. With it dark outside and the power gone, eventually not just Eduardo is afraid of the dark and thunderstorms.

Then, using the situation to his advantage, Bloo tells his roomies that when a thunderstorm hits in the middle of the night, the "Fright Bugs" appear within the houses of anyone, and attempt to "steal" electricity. Of course, at first they don't believe him.

Then Bloo goes "Oh REALLY? If you guys are so SURE, go try to get the power back on. I dare ya all! But if you get bit by the Fright Bugs, you'll just come back, screaming for your mommies-"

"Sorry, Bloo, but we don't have mommies." Wilt interrupts briefly.

"WHATEVER, you know what I mean!"

And so, all four of them split up to try to brave the dark and find their way to the circuit breaker in attempt to fix the power. (They all asked Flashlighty but he refused this time) All the while, they "get bit" by the "Fright Bugs" and sure enough, they get so afraid and lost that they all run into each other again, realizing that they have to work together to solve anything.

With a lot of teamwork (and a lot of dumb luck) they finally make it to the circuit braker, before realizing that they have no clue how to fix the power without any light. While they try to figure it out, noises are heard in the background, and they think it's, in Bloo's words, "Super Fright Bugs ready to eat our heads".

But no! It's really just a bunch of friends who had also suffered through the same things they had, and even Flashlighty was there, too. With the help of him, they finally manage to fix the electricity (Yay!!). As the power returns, the friends all cheer.

"Oh, by the way. Fright Bugs don't exist. I made that up just to scare you all." Bloo adds in the midst. The friends glare at him slightly.

Fade out to ending music, but no idea what the end episode gag would be.

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