Originally Posted by Sparky
Thanks but I'm uncomfortable around large groups of people, strangers or not, who are drinking and behaving sexually, as is the case with pretty much all parties.  (Unless it's a church party or something, and frankly that sort of thing makes me uncomfortable too.)
Ugh, I am the same way. I only drink on occasion, and honestly could care less about the sexiness of costumes. It all just seems like an excuse anymore =( And the church thing... eh. I'll not get into that. But seriously... all the Halloween costumes are about sex anymore rather than actually dressing up. It seems so lazy to just go spend $50 on a badly made generic costume.
I'm going to be dressed as Bad Girl from the game No More Heroes.
I made the costume myself and it turned out AMAZING. I am so proud of it! I will definitely post pictures when I get some. I'm actually thinking of begging my photographer to take professional photos of it, but I haven't really asked her about it :/
Funny how I really dislike the sexiness of costumes AND heavy drinking, and the character I'm being is a trashy combination of both. Oh I just couldn't help it... I love the stark contrast of her character so much!