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Old 10-21-2006, 09:58 AM   #9
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I am so looking forward to it; I just hope the weather cooperates. Spiders don't like cold, rainy weather any more than most humans do, and are likely to be very hard to find in that event. I probably ought to call the guy back and see how many folks he's had volunteer, since if he's still short of the needed group, I could probably post something on and round up a few more enthusiasts in the Carolinas and Georgia. It ought to be fun, and it is the very first of its kind sponsored by the US Parks Service. Normally, they have only taken censuses of the big animals, the vertebrates, but now that the inverts are getting recognition for their importance as indicators of environmental health, they need to be counted, too. Spiders are an apex predator in the invert world, so their presence indicates a healthy and diverse ecology.

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