Originally Posted by Mr. Marshmallow
Thanks to Cass for tipping me off on this as I have been absent from this forum for a bit due to RL and other things. I'm really glad to hear Frankie isn't an orphan and that her parents are alive and well and this only further agitates me in the sense that i fear we will NEVER see this family on TV and it is a REAL shame because it really gives a lot of insight to Frankie's love for IFs.
The fact her family never allowed her to have one to me seems like ideal TV material to show us more about why Frankie does what she does besides just show Mac and Bloo go around doing stupid (yet funny) stuff. I'm curious if they are all red heads or just Frankie? is she the black sheep or is her family just like her? Plus I would LOVE to see her as an aunt, that just sounds cute to see.
I just wonder what they think of her decision and how they feel about her doing the butt load of work she does for Fosters how this affect their perception of her.
She did have an Imaginary Friend but lost it, according to Craig, as noted earlier in the thread. She's not exactly the black sheep of the family but Craig did tell me that her parents don't approve of what Madame Foster is doing, so by extension I doubt they're particularly happy with Frankie's line of work, either.
Originally Posted by Mr. Marshmallow
Its really raised a lot of questions for me and its a shame that short of a miracle, we will never see animated hide nor hair of this family reunion.
Originally Posted by Howard
Never say "never." there are still possibilities. 
I think it would be an excellent premise for a reunion movie. Frankie dealing with her uptight parents and possibly finding her long-lost Imaginary Friend could be a really heartwarming tear-jerker if done well, and we know Craig, Lauren, and the rest of the Foster's crew would indeed do it well.