Originally Posted by Invader Bloo
No I've never heard anyone said it was a good idea. I've also never heard anyone say airing that stupid cartoon on speed "Johnny Test" all the time is a good idea either.
Originally Posted by taranchula
True, but as bad as it is at least Johnny Test still fills the basic qualifications that make up a "cartoon" and therefore belongs on a "Cartoon Network" granted not as much as it should be, but once the powers that be come to their collective senses they'll find a more quality cartoon to take it's time slot(s).
I tried to sit down and watch Johnny Test, but ehhh...no. Just not happening. Hopefully, something better does come along.
Originally Posted by pitbulllady
CN has been shooting themselves in the foot with their "six seasons limit" thing, and the way that they treated their most popular and most financially-successful series is a crying shame, so it really does not hurt my feelings to see them go down. It sounds like they're trying to become Spike TV for teen boys...oh, joy. Hopefully Craig and Lauren will wind up with Disney/Pixar.
I've never liked that six season limit. It's as if the people in charge of CN are afraid one of their shows will become stale if it's in production for too long (similar to what has become of the Simpsons)...unlikely, but anything's possible.
CN was supposed to be my happy place when every other channel is reality show heavy, contains sitcoms with the stupid laugh track (which kills a show's supposed humor if you ask me), or has shows geared toward only pre-teens and teens. Not anymore. Youtube is my happy place now with funnier content such as youtube poop (basically random humor).
Cartoon Network with programming other than cartoons and anime is not really a cartoon network anymore.