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Old 08-19-2006, 05:51 PM   #11
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: In the middle of Rabbittown, Ga
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Originally Posted by Mac View Post
I LOVE this show! Of course I didn't get into it until five years AFTER it aired. I had no idea what the huge obsession was with it when it first aired back in '01. I kept seeing people walking around with IZ t-shirts and key chains and even book bags. The goth chicks in my school had the pencils and notebooks and stuff even. I was thinking it was a fad, it was, but then I watched the show in late '05 and I realized that I would have been one of those groupies had I watched it back then. I was a groupie for about three months. Then the repeating shows got hella old and I couldn't take it anymore. I still swear my Gir t-shirt proudly though.
You should check out JTHM or I Feel Sick comics. Jhonen does some good stuff. It's also more mature.
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