Thread: Dear Sparky
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Old 07-30-2009, 02:14 PM   #53
Major Abbey
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^That's probably it.

I wouldn't be surprised if this was the first forum he's been on. When I was about 13 or 14 (can't recall) I went onto a Simpsons forum and got myself into a lot of trouble by accidentally bumping a lot of old threads. I learned not to do that again, but for a long time after that I used my Asperger's as an excuse too. Eventually I realised it didn't work. And he's only ten? Wow. I honestly didn't know he was that young.

I guess that's why I sympathised with him on the "fat Frankie" thing; he reminded me of myself when I first started using the internet. A lot of people were really harsh to me and I was determined not to treat others the same way. But is he trying to threaten you, Sparky? Honestly?

Originally Posted by antgirl1 View Post
Oh my...I'm now ashamed of being borderline to Asperger Syndrome...
Don't be. Like I said, I have it as well. We aren't all that bad. (by the way, nice avatar )

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Last edited by Major Abbey; 07-30-2009 at 02:15 PM.
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