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Old 07-27-2009, 09:53 PM   #2099
Lady of Brightwood
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Location: The Emerald City, in the Evergreen State, where everything is GREEN
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I emailed my parents both Saturday and Sunday night, telling them the basics of what I've done that day, posted a link to here since I shared things in deeper detail here and I also thought they might like to see in whose company I was in, and explained the forum to them a little bit so they'd know how to read it. Well, they both read the emails. But that was it. My dad clicked the first link and read the first post there, thinking it was by me, and got horribly confused. He didn't have a clue what "I" was talking about. How hard is it to recognize which one is me?? I mean, Hello, my name is in my screen name! Since the first link confused him so much, he didn't even bother to click the second one. And my mother? She didn't click the links at all. And now they're hounding me for information that was all covered in my posts here. I refuse to answer since they didn't bother to even TRY to find out about my weekend earlier when I actually made it easy to stay on top of things as they were happening. I'm just extremely irritated by this. I wasted all that time and thought for them, and they didn't take advantage of it. They must not care that much to know what all I did.
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