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Old 07-27-2009, 07:41 PM   #70
Lady of Brightwood
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Location: The Emerald City, in the Evergreen State, where everything is GREEN
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Here I am, back home in Seattle, safe and sound. I'm not happy to be back though. Not only do I return to work on Wednesday, but we're currently under a heat advisory and a stagnant air advisory. I could clearly see a brown halo over the city as my plane was descending from the heavens. Blech. And it's 8:30 right now and.. *checks temp*'s 91 out. Oh, and did I mention few residences in this area have air conditioning? It's suppose to reach the 100s on Wednesday. Kill me, kill me now. It doesn't make much sense that southern Cali is 20+ degrees cooler than northern Washington.

Anyway, enough complaining. I had a blast! It was just way too awesome meeting everyone. I know I already said that, but it's soooo true! And it was a fun experience. I hope I can make it down next year too, although it's still much too early to make any definite plans.

One good thing about my being home, I can now upload my pics!
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