It was definitely an excellent start to the 2009 Comic-Con International. I got up at 8:45am from my bed (though I kinda woke up many times, as early as a bit after 6am). I went to Starbucks. I had the cafe vanilla frappuccino. I then went to Westfield Horton Plaza, went to Ritz Camera, picked up a second camcorder battery. Paid less than $80 for it. I needed it, because I'm going to be using my one battery quickly. I picked up a belt from Macy's. Then I took the trolley all the way to San Diego State University at the Aztec Center and bowled three games. I didn't do as well at my max this year. I only got 85 or something like that, compared to around 140 this year. Then, I went to Mission Valley to find a charger for my digital camera battery. I did get it. I hurried all the way back to Downtown to Seaport Village, and I met up with the NF gang, and got to meet Iceberg210. We went to some hat place to look at hats, and that was all for SV. I had to take a short break and get my confirmation for Comic-Con before going to the Convention Center. Before going up, someone said something stupid about the escalator, and then all of a sudden, it stopped (did we get jinxed?

). We had to walk up with the escalator not moving. Picked up badge fairly quickly, waited in line for over an hour, got in the Exhibit Hall. I met up with Lauren and Craig, and I also got to see Khaki Jones and met her husband. We talked for a bit, and then we separated for the rest of the evening. I got to meet one friend (who's in the Artist Gallery/Table area)...which I haven't seen in over three years, got to meet one artist that I watch on deviantART, and finally got to meet a friend from Las Vegas (befriended her on MySpace 3 years ago). After that, I went to eat pizza somewhere in the Gaslamp Quarter area. Then, I came back to my place. Fantastic start to this con.