Here you go:
I also videotaped Lauren giving her great news about the Galaxy Girls but will hold off in posting it so she can break the news herself on her blog.
And now for
my adventure...
I planned to buy a film replica from Full Moon Features' booth, so I went there. I asked if they had it, yes they did, I stupidly blurted out I WANT ONE so I started preparing to buy it, they were boxing it up, and then I got cold feet because it's kind of expensive and I remembered that I wanted to wait until I guy I know from a Full Moon forum came by and I could ask him his expert opinion on if it was worth that much money, so I asked them to wait and I'd come back the next day. I felt like a heel doing that to them.

So I slunk off and came to the decision to buy it anyways, but they had said they'd prefer cash so I thought it would make it up to them to bring cash this time. I went to the convention center atms and took out one amount because it was the max they allowed, and then just tried to do a separate transaction for the rest. But no, it wouldn't go through. Checking my account showed I had enough but three separate tries yielded nothing. So I went back to the booth and - there was that guy I know, like magic. He agreed we should each buy one. The booth took the cash I had and did the rest on my credit card. Then I get back here and check my email and there's a message from my bank about unauthorised access on my card and I have to call them which I did and cleared everything up and now my card is unlocked again.
And that was my adventure.