I use to have a puppet a lot like "Purple". It was a dog, and my aunt gave it to me for my 6th birthday. I never really got any use out of him, which fills me with a bit of guilt since my aunt got it for me thinking I'd have loads of fun with it. He was just another of my stuffed animals, but with such long legs and arms, he wasn't as "cute" or fun to play with as my others, so he just sat in a corner in the company of some other stuffed animals I rarely played with. I think he's buried somewhere in my parents' garage now.

Poor little guy.
I can totally see myself as Chuck's "mommy", as she calls herself. Because I consider myself Joey's Mommy, and when I'm talking for Joey, I call myself "Mommy". I know some find that really weird, but then others find it completely normal so it's all cool.

Yes, I even kiss him! However I do not lick him like she does, blech. Or let him lick me on the mouth, eww! But yes, I'm totally cat-obsessed like Chucky's Mommy is.
Seeing Bloo with Chuck was adorable too of course. I'm wanting to make myself some avatars of the two of them.