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Old 07-07-2009, 02:34 PM   #64
Agent: Deep Bloo

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Default Well this bites....

Looks like another one of CN's good shows is about to be tossed away like a moldy worm infested kumquat.

You know while this show certainly didn't quite reach the levels of comic nirvana that our favorite cartoon did (Not a knock, a lot of my favorite shows also fall into the same category), it was still one of the more clever and off beat shows to have come down the turnpike in recent years.

(As an aside: The mere fact I was able to watch and enjoy Chowder on a semi regular bases, despite a less then favorable first impression is a testament to it's quality in and its self.)

But according the article things are not as bad as they seem, and if the fans of this show can get together and send a message to the network saying "No, we don't want this series to be canned in favor of UK reality show remake #2453" then maybe things will improve slightly within the network that used to be about toons, toons and nothing but the toons.

And that would be wonderful.
Founder, Owner, President, Chairman, CEO, CFO and Charter member of the "Never Leave Steve" Fan Club! ~Founded: May 21 2006~

Last edited by taranchula; 07-08-2009 at 04:17 AM.
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