Thread: Nightmares
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Old 07-05-2009, 08:57 AM   #26
Lady of Brightwood
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Ever since last April hit me like a tsunami, I've found myself paranoid over so many things now. What else can possibly go wrong? And I tell myself, Oh, you'd be surprised.

Among the nightmares I lived through during the month of April, my car broke down and was nearly to the point where everyone was saying it will never get fixed and I might as well just sell it for parts, and learn to take the bus. Much thanks to a friend of my dad's it was fixed (after three or so weeks), but even that hurt my bank account. I have a nagging fear that it's going to happen again. And right now my parents are on their way to Europe, and except for an occasional email, we'll have little to no contact until they get back. And whaddya know, I have a dream last night that my car breaks down. And at night. I dreamed my battery, or the wires connecting it to the rest of the car, was going bad as I was losing more and more power and my lights dimmed. Some strange dash light came on saying something about some parts are out of date and need to be replaced (it was like the "check engine" light, but more long winded). On top of that, my front axle broke and I couldn't steer. So I finally just pulled over and cried. I had no idea who to call to come pick me up much less what to do about my car. I felt so helpless and I knew the nightmare that was April was starting all over again, and this time it may not have a happy ending like that one finally did.

I think I'll be driving my mother's car while they're gone. It's newer. And I'm also thinking I should snoop around some of my dad's papers looking for phone numbers of friends of his I could call if such an emergency should happen. Dang, I had plenty of friends of my own who could help me out when I lived in Texas. I just never made any real connections since I've been up here. It's frustrating.
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