Originally Posted by Lynnie
You must have jinxed me!
While sitting in the office today making labels, my nose started bleeding out of nowhere. I don't understand it, it's even been a little humid the last few days. Maybe it's the heat. I dunno. One of my managers (one of the cool ones) walked in and asked me if I was ok.  Yeah, I was fine, I just really shouldn't stand up until it's over or I might pass out. I hate that.
I use to get them all the time too when I lived in Albuquerque, it was so dry there. There were times I'd wake up in the morning with a big red spot on my pillow, and a dried brown "trail" down my cheek. And I had no idea, since I was sleeping.
Originally Posted by Cassini90125
I used to get nosebleeds constantly when I was in my my mid-teens. They just stopped coming for some reason but I have no idea why. Not that I'm complaining, of course; walking around with a paper towel stuffed up my nose got to be very tiresome after awhile. 
They are a drag, and I am afraid at my age that it might have something to do with high blood pressure as well; and that it just happens. Will this be the first sign of a stroke for me?