Originally Posted by Bloo4Ever
Say what you want about this guy, and even though majority frequently joked about him, we all knew he was an amazing guy, who had talent like no other. 
Here's something I found today. I do hope this doesn't add insult to this tragic passing, as I wasn't a fan of him, but I do feel for those who were.
In an article on the website WorstPreviews.com, the Sacha Baron Cohen movie Bruno featured a scene where Sacha interviews an unsuspecting LaToya Jackson and makes fun of her brother for his high-pitched voice and his trademark white glove.
BUT, DON'T BE INSULTED! The good news is that after hearing of Michael's passing, Universal and the filmmakers made some quick edits to the scene and to keep Michael's name out of the film. Universal will release the movie and will likely NOT put the Michael Jackson jokes back in.