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Old 06-24-2009, 04:36 PM   #2045
Lady of Brightwood
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Yesterday was a weird day at work.

It started out learning that the girl who was suppose to come in earlier and do the job I usually do was a no show, and the out-of-touch managers didn't realize she hadn't showed up until three hours later when the store was suppose to open. Well, if they had scheduled me to come in and do it like they should have, there would have been no worries. So a manager had to cashier for an hour until I came in. Haha, serves them right!

We were also getting ready for a visit from someone from corporate, and when we do that, there's a lot of cleaning and auditing and tweaking going on. And everyone's up tight because they're nervous about how the visit will go.

But the grand finale was a fight between a few customers! A woman and her teenage son had a Great Pyrenees (which is a BIG dog), and the son was holding the leash. The dog was an alpha, and decided it needed to put all other dogs in their place. It barked at every single freakin' other dog it saw. Soon the whole store was full of dogs barking, and it was giving everyone a headache, employees and customers alike. And the boy didn't even try to control the dog. He held tight to the leash, but let the dog lunge and bark up a storm, and didn't even try to get it under control. While up at the register, another lady at the next register had enough, and she started yelling at the boy about how he needs to learn how to control the dog, and the mother jumped in with "How dare you talk to my son that way!!" and a full on yelling and cursing match broke out. The boy, in trying to control the dog, hit the poor thing, and the other lady yelled at him even more. He finally threw the leash at his mom and stormed out, while the two women continued screaming at eachother. Our dog obedience trainer finally stepped in, took the dog, got it to be quiet, and finally the other lady finished checking out and left. But wow, I haven't witnessed anything like that in some time. It was veeeerrryy uncomfortable for five or so minutes.

Today was weird too. A dog collapsed just inside the door and started convulsing, and his owner started yelling at me to help her dog and get a vet even though I was the only one running a register at the moment and I had a line. I tried my best to stay calm in order to keep the other customers calm, and paged a manager up right away. But our manager was way in the back and it took him forever to get up there. By the time he did, one of our dog groomers had run into the vet clinic on the other side of the store to get the vet. The vet and the groomer carried the dog, still convulsing, into the clinic. I never heard if it was ok or not, I sure hope it was. But that was another very uncomfortable few minutes.
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