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Old 10-17-2006, 11:29 PM   #36
The Postmaster

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Originally Posted by Kzinistzerg View Post
I ant not smart, so terrency.
You gotta give him credit, though; unlike Bloo, Terrence hasn't been banned from the mall. All must bow to Blooregard... I have no idea how I came up with that one.

Originally Posted by Fomalhaut View Post
Cassini my dear (), Boglarka is a 100% HUNGARIAN NAME!!! It means "buttercup". (Not the Powerpuff Girl, the flower, obviously!)

Love Terrence's new outfit. Dad looks cool, and what about me, Gabe, Wendy and the others?
Your various Sims were standing outside the SimCity Univerisity dorms last time I checked, waiting for the last two members of the "Class of 2007" to show up. I'm doing this in a piecemeal fashion to squeeze a few extra Aspiration Points out of the process. "Boglarka" is Hungarian? Huh. At this point I have so many of your countrymen in my game that I should probably think about renaming the town!

The latest shots from New Budapest Foster's Valley:

Blake Superior has no taste:

Blake, along with Frankie and Goo's dad Prescott, were summoned by the game to serve as the Welcome Wagon for a new Sim who arrived in Foster's Valley last week. It seems that he does not find the lovely miss Foster even the slightest bit attractive; quite the opposite, in fact. I've seldom seen that level of repulsion in the game. Then again, what can you expect from the guy who came in second in a burping contest? No class, Blake, no class at all.

No swooning, ladies:

Here's Wilt in his track suit. A few minutes ago he finished a good brisk workout on the treadmill, and now he's heading for the shower. I'll give him credit, he falls off the treadmill less often than most Sims with the same skill level that he has. After cleaning up, he joined Coco and Eduardo for breakfast:

He was starving after that workout and wolfed down another bowl of cereal right after this one. He usually has much better table manners than this, but in truth none of the Imaginary Friends are ever going to win any etiquette prizes. You should see Eduardo in action sometimes; it's like watching a vacuum. The food is there, then suddenly it isn't. Mealtimes at Foster's can get pretty wild.

A fateful encounter at Van Dyke Park:

Sweetums, the bratty little girl from House Of Bloo's, meets Richie Wildebrat, and they like each other a lot. Morover, they're both just two days away from becoming teenagers. Didn't one of those Omen movies start out like this? There's a demonspawn in the making here, I just know it. Well, at least that'll give Bendy someone to play with.

There was a wedding in Foster's Valley recently, and Frankie was on the guest list:

Not exactly the little black dress from Frankie My Dear, but it still looks pretty dang good on her. Here she is on the swings yet again. Adult Sims adore swing sets for some odd reason, and Frankie seems to like them more than most. Teens and children often ignore them. Weird, but not as weird as Blake Superior thinking that this is unattractive. That's not bad taste, that's brain damage.

And finally, a shot that left me speechless:

I was experimenting with camera angles in the game when I made this discovery. There are two moons in the night sky over Foster's Valley. I've never read about anything like this on any of the Sims sites, anywhere. Maybe it's just a computer glitch but if it is, it's a unique one, unique and beautiful. Just like the Valley and all it's residents.

That's all for now. Hope y'all enjoy the shots as much as I do.

"Frankie! That weird kid is using a flower pot for a cup!"

Sailor Moon. Best Anime EVER.

Last edited by Cassini90125; 10-19-2006 at 09:42 PM. Reason: Typo correction. It's that important.
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