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Old 05-27-2009, 09:18 PM   #1877
Mr. Marshmallow
Not-So-Hopeless Romantic
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Saving Private Ryan

Truth be told and believe me, I have had many people already act supremely shocked by this, I had not seen the movie until tonight. I never got around to it and it never came up so I missed out on this movie for many years. I'm not a fan of war movies, in fact I despise the very notion of war and would much rather see something else then something about the very thing I feel tears nations and families apart.

However after seeing the movie, I can't say anything other then it was a very damn good movie. It was spectacular and very horrifying and intense and I thought it really was a great movie....however i have no real intention of ever seeing it again or buying it. Saving Private Ryan is one of those movies (in my opinion) that you don't need to own but you can only watch so many times.

Its so dramatic and dark and intense I can't see myself watching it multiple times, the movie's emotional effect is too strong to relive again and again. Plus as much as I did enjoy this movie, I still hate war, I hate the military and everything horrifying that happens to soldiers because of wars and the military and that will never change but for now I agree this was a powerful film.
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