Wow, quite a list you've got there, it's impressive. Thank you for writing it! Someone should put it in alphabetical order at some point though. I thought of a few friends I didn't remember reading in the list, and had to read the whole thing again to make sure they've been listed. I might be able to do it myself when I have more time and energy.
There's one friend I don't see here, the spyglass friend from "Cuckoo for Coco Cards", when Bloo's on the porch with Bingo and wants to see what Ed is doing. I don't know it's name though, maybe just "The Spyglass Friend".
The episode "Cuckoo for Coco Cards" is a great ep to gather background friend names. There's also the "Gallery of Friends" on both DVDs, and now the card from "Goodbye to Bloo". I suspect you've already checked those though.