I think he's pretty funny through much of Land of Flea, with the expressions he has on his face while trying his best not to scratch. Poor Ed. And then there's Cuckoo for Coco Cards, and he's afraid of watering the plants-
"You mean, you can knock yourself unconscious watering the plants???"

And then he's so happy at the end when his status is changed to "Crazy idiot".
It's not so funny really, but I always found it sweet during Bloooo when Ed screams and runs off while Wilt is paralyzed by fright, and Ed actually runs back, picks him up, and runs away again. That moment could have been brought back up in Eddie Monster. And reminded of Eddie Monster, it's also funny when he freaks out over the whizbee, and calls it the "flying disk of doom that flies around and wants to eat me."