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Old 05-23-2009, 08:31 PM   #298
Lady of Brightwood
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Last summer my sister submitted a story she wrote to a magazine, and a few months later they sent her a check and told her they were going to publish it. It takes a while for these things to take place, but today, finally, she got three copies of the magazine in the mail with her story in it to keep and share.

What's the story about? Me and Joey!! A true story that happened a number of years ago, while moving from Texas to New Mexico to be exact. I was 22 at the time, but the magazine is for tween-age kids, so they depicted me to be about 13 in it. I can hardly wait to see the picture some artist illustrated of us! I won't get my copy until next weekend, but I'll try to share the picture at least when I do.
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