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Old 05-20-2009, 07:19 PM   #7
Settling In
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Join Date: May 2009
Location: Lake Mary, FL
Posts: 90

My gosh, I can't believe he's gone.

That's the voice of Mickey that I grew up with (and would still be growing up with.) And only 62? His voice was so memorable, I just can't fathom that he's now actually gone.

It's sad to perceive it this way, but many of the great are slowly departing from this world, and Mr. Allwine is only the most recent one

Rest in Peace.
To See My Foster's Home For Imaginary Friend's Tribute video, Click Here

Cheese: I have braces.
Mac: You found that on the ground, didn't you?
Cheese: Garbage can.

Imagination Never Dies...But if it did, the date would be May 3, 2009
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