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Old 05-18-2009, 06:15 PM   #4
Settling In
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We Hardly Knew Ye...  
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Lake Mary, FL
Posts: 90

I truly have no intention of leaving. Granted, I just got here, but still, I think this entire community and all the people in it are just awesome.

Even though I don't personally post much, I do read a lot of them, and it''s always fun to do so. And it's not just the community that I'm to be a part of, it's the actual show. After 4 and one half years of watching this amazing program, it's hard to relinquish the memories you have for it, and frankly, talking about it all the great episodes over the past really makes me happy

Plus, I'm also making a few more Foster's YouTube videos, trying to find any Foster's friendst here we can share something with
To See My Foster's Home For Imaginary Friend's Tribute video, Click Here

Cheese: I have braces.
Mac: You found that on the ground, didn't you?
Cheese: Garbage can.

Imagination Never Dies...But if it did, the date would be May 3, 2009
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