There's a kid at my church who's always reminded me of Mac, mostly because he was around the same age (well, 10) when I first met him and he had the same shaggy bowl haircut. He just turned 13 and has since cut his hair, but I still tend to think of Mac when I see him. Very nice kid by the way.
Anyway, I saw him today and I also happened to be wearing one of my Foster's shirts. He caught me off guard while we passed eachother in the hall by pointing at my shirt and saying "Hey, I know that show!" I smiled real big at him and said "You do?" "Yeah, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends! It's funny!" He smiled real big at me and I responded by saying "Yeah, it's awesome!"
And that was it. But I found it too cool after all these years of knowing him and him reminding me of Mac that of all people
he'd know and like the show too!