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Old 05-11-2009, 07:32 PM   #28
Lady of Brightwood
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Wow, Ed got adopted?? never saw that coming! And Bloppy got adopted too! Although poor kitty, his luck isn't very strong, is it? And Jackie's adopted by a cat, lol!!

I love Ed's trap door on his jammies. It suits him well. No pun intended. And is the coat Cye is wearing the flea infested one? What happened to the fleas?

Poor Bloppy. You can come live with me Bloppy! I'll give you lots of love and attention, and won't take advantage of you, I promise! I always liked Bloppy, but I think I like him even more after this episode.

I feel like I'm watching Tom and Jerry with the Jackie/Tabby scene. I haven't read the above posts yet but I'm sure I'm not the first to mention that, am I?

When Sam and Ronnie were on the deserted island, instead of Ronnie starting to see Sam as food, I thought of another Coco being created.

Goodness, Ed's being mistaken for a Sasquatch? Oh my... And Bloppy's a hero!! Yay!! kwereallyneedaBloppyPantssmilienow:

I really liked this one too, although there's some loose ends. Like how exactly did Bloppy do that? Being capable of doing "miracles" doesn't quite cut it for me.
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