Ah, now this was one which definitely did live up to all the hype. Beeeeeeeeautiful animation (those 3D effects were simply to die for - I do hope you all stayed for the full duration of the closing credits, by the way...if not, then you missed out on something truly tantalising), wonderful voice-overs, a fascinating, skin-crawling storyline, French and Saunders...what more could you possibly ask for?
Got to say though, if I had actually seen this film as a child then I think it would have messed me up big time. I'm not joking when I say that it terrified me a heck of lot more than the overwhelming majority of adult-orientated horror films I've seen in my lifetime. I always used to think that Anjelica Huston's Grand High Witch was pretty frightening, but I reckon that the "Beldam" featured here could give her a more than decent run for her money. Henry Selick definitely tapped into some wonderfully raw and surging childhood insecurities in this one, and the result is a mesmerising little nightmare of a movie, one which should keep the older audiences awed and subdued every bit as much as the kiddies.
And, just to make things totally perfect, I got a brand new pair of 3D specs to take home with me - though looking at myself in mirror just now, I realise that they do kind of make me look like Spud does on the Trainspotting poster. Ah well, I do have to love that Spud.
Last edited by jekylljuice; 05-10-2009 at 03:09 PM.