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Old 05-09-2009, 04:52 AM   #1857
Executive Weasel Ball
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I'm probably not the most qualified person to be commenting on this movie, given that I've never had any kind of dealings with the source material, but judged purely on its own merits, I'd have to describe this as Sin City meets Nolan's Batman, with twice the violence, thrice the pretension, and about four or five times less the fun. I'm afraid that I didn't really care for it, and not because of the bleak outcome - truth be told, I was feeling restless and fidgety long before the climax clicked in. Technically it was all very well-made, and those stylised comic book visuals were put down nicely enough, but there was something incredibly cold and sterile about the whole affair throughout. It wasn't hypnotic, it wasn't involving, and in the end I felt that at best I was being invited merely to look at the characters and observe their behaviour patterns when faced with various moral dilemmas, rather than to actually experience their desolate, supposedly complex environs through their own appropriately unpleasant personnas. Heck, Sin City did a much better and greatly more satisifying job of drawing me into its grimy comic book world, and Sin City was about as shallow and inhuman a movie as they come (basically just a collection of alpha males piddling over mates and territory for a couple of hours). Well, SC was a clear-cut and totally unashamed triumph of style over substance - for me, Watchmen didn't succeed on either count. It was too grandiosely downbeat to be particularly enjoyable, and given that it didn't really convince me to empathise with any of the characters on either side of the weighty dilemma, in the end I couldn't really describe it as anything particularly profound or haunting either - though I suppose it does have its shock value and a momentarily depressing aftertaste, and for some folks that might be satisfying enough.

Oh, and maybe it's just me, but I hated Rorschach's vocals. If I didn't know better, I would swear that Haley was trying to do a parody of Christian Bale's Batman. I found that kind of distracting.

That's it,
The End,
But you'll get over it,
My Friend.

Last edited by jekylljuice; 05-10-2009 at 08:14 AM.
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