Originally Posted by One Radical Dude
"You...Ashtar! That sword..." (I had to throw that quote out there!)
As have I. Never beaten the third one, though!
Originally Posted by Ridureyu
Did that one a while ago. I probably won't do it again, though, as the time limit gets really irritating in the last level.
Man you guys must have the patience of saints, even to this day the "only" Ninja Gaiden game I have even beaten was the DS version. (Awesome game, unless you hated the PS3/X-box/X-box360 version's of Gaiden of which the DS version is based.)
Come to think of it the only "Nintendo Hard" game I have ever been able to beat was the original Mega Man, without having to resort to using the Pause/Elec beam trick no less.
Anyways getting back on topic the last game I played was the PS2 war sim Kessen 2, which like almost any other game Koei makes is based on the 14 century Chinese novel "Romance of the Three Kingdoms"