Thread: Bad Dare Day
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Old 05-06-2009, 06:26 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by taranchula View Post
Oh well Mac was no angel himself especially when he tried to get poor Yoogie to betray his dietary beliefs by having his lips touch meat, which is a huge no no for most people of Indian descent, in fact I am kind of surprised they got away with such a gag in the first place, I guess maybe since they didn't specifically mention religion or Hinduism it was okay.
Well, vicious as it was, its perfectly within boundaries. I have to agree with MaxJ1800 that it isn't fair for Bloo to do things not physically possible (although it was definitely funny. Like Byron Giant who had to eat pickles with no mouth ) But in fairness, Mac had some of these as well, like the tattooing of the Declaratoin of Independence.

Anyways, I thought this episode was even better than the Superdude one, and it so cool to see that Mac still has feelings for Frankie in my opinion. But best line ever:

"I dare you to eat Jackie's sandwich!"

"That's not a dare; That's a death wish."
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Cheese: I have braces.
Mac: You found that on the ground, didn't you?
Cheese: Garbage can.

Imagination Never Dies...But if it did, the date would be May 3, 2009
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