I'm delighted to see WordGirl brought up so many times! I've quickly fallen in love with that show, too. It's cute, it's funny, and entertaining, even for us older folks.
Among others, I've always loved another PBS animation- Arthur. Been a fan since it's debut in '95 I think it was. I've got to mention Pepper Ann again. And Sabrina the Animated Series. Man I miss those shows. Three's also Animaniacs and Pinky and the Brain. I miss them too. There's also PBS's Maya and Miguel, Curious George, and Sagwa the Chinese Siamese Cat, and Angalina Ballerina. Of other CN shows there's Chowder of course, Codename- Kids Next Door, and I enjoyed Teen Titans as well.
Man, all but Arthur, Curious George and WordGirl are hard to come by now days.