Embarrassing Moments!
So, what are some things that you've done, or have happened to you which were utterly humiliating at the time, but might have some entertainment value for the people here?
Recently, my car's driver side door broke down - it couldn't unlock and open it. So, for several weeks, I had to vault over the gear shift to get in and out. I was thinking of going to see a friend of mine in Death Valley at the end of the month and having him take a look at it, and see if I could save some money instead of taking it in to the dealer for repairs. Since I don't get into car accidents, and I treat the car pretty well, nothing else was going to break down, right?
And then last Thursday, I promptly backed into one of my own trash cans in the driveway, and took out my left rear turn signal. So I stopped the car, jumped over the gear shift, got out, looked at the damage, walked back to the driver's side, reached in through the window to turn on the turn signal and check it,
And then my pants fell down.
Last edited by Ridureyu; 05-04-2009 at 12:08 PM.