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Old 05-04-2009, 03:40 AM   #26
Executive Weasel Ball
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A very entertaining episode, though I do agree that the ending fell kind of flat. Again, it was nice to see much of the regular cast take a backseat and give some of the more minor friends another turn in the spotlight. The lots-of-miniature-storylines approach was refreshing, and the stories themselves were all interesting, even if they did come out rather short in the end due to the somewhat unconvincing attempt to mesh them altogether into a common resolution. I guess the downside to trying to juggle so many little vignettes about for the twenty-one minute running time was that virtually none of them really had the time or space to build themselves toward a proper conclusion of their own (still, I liked that sweet little touchy-feely moment between Bloo and Ed, and the return of the - ahem, rather ineptly named - Tabby was a great touch). Highlights of this episode for me included Bloppy Pants' nightmarish voyage from profession to profession, along with further acknowledgement Jackie Khone's ongoing vendetta with Wilt. That always cracks me up for some reason.

That's it,
The End,
But you'll get over it,
My Friend.
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