Taking a cue from the end of the article, I know I've said it before, but I'll say it again:
Thank you all, for five wonderful years of one of the greatest cartoons on television.
It was 1982 and Billy Dee Williams just found out that he was going to get to pilot the Falcon in Jedi and realized he was in need of a co-pilot. So he thought long and hard about who his ‘Chewy’ might be and in a flash of inspiration he created his own hairy friend, Jackie Khones. The two were a powerful duo and they were set to take on the galaxy but unfortunately it wasn’t to be. George Lucas was tight with this guy called Nien Numb and the rest is history. The let down caused Jackie to fall into the dark side of Hollywood where he lived a fast, wild and dangerous life before stumbling into Foster’s one day. Jackie claims that there’s test footage of he and Billy blasting through hyper space but I’ve yet to see it.
Awesome, and I'll say this with sincerity, that I will give almost anything to see this happen within my lifetime. (In the distant future after a loooong rest of course.
